Using a wide array of high tech tools, these guys bring you along as a passenger and participant of extreme video footage. We dare you to stay on board!

Find out whos blowing things up things this week?? Video Found nowhere else!..

 Vids, clips, photos, jeeez.. these guyz play rough.... What a rush!


For when yer truck lands on the camera...

Need an aspirin yet?

Xtreme CCTV Is Extreme Sports played out on video with you in the hot seat. Baseball is boring, and this aint baseball. Watch the falls, the fun and frailty of humans as they attempt stunts, brave the elements, and catch it all on video. Keep watching for expanded connections here!    
Disclaimer: Stunts shown on the websites linked to are not intended to demonstrate our desire for you to kill yourselves like stupid lemmings. Most of these stunts are performed by skilled professionals or people with an above average luck quotient. Attempting these stunts can lead to serious injury and maybe a couple of boo boos. Yer momma said no, and we told ya so....

 copyright © 2004